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Aventa AV-7 LoWind Turbine from Aventa

Aventa offers the AV-7 LoWind Turbine. The rotor of this wind turbine measures 12.9 m in diameter and offers a swept area of 129 m². The ratio of rotor output to the swept area is 50 W/m².

This upwind type of wind turbine incorporates a variable speed rotor that rotates in the speed ranging from 20 to 66 rpm. The hub height of the AV-7 LoWind Turbine is 18.0 m. The tubular tower does not use guy support and constructed using concrete or steel.

Aventa AV-7 LoWind Turbine

The permanently excited synchronous type of generator incorporated in the wind turbine achieves a rotary speed ranging from 240 to 792 rpm and this generator is connected to the grid through a 3 x 400 V inverter. This wind turbine incorporates a belt driven power transmission with a speed increasing ratio of 1: 12. The AV-7 LoWind Turbine manufactured by Aventa produces a maximum output of 6.5 kW at a nominal wind speed of 6.0 m/s. The blades of this wind turbine start rotating at a cut in wind speed of 2.0 m/s, stops rotating the blades when the wind speed reaches 14.0 m/s and can safely withstand wind speeds up to 42 m/s. The noise level of this wind turbine is assessed as 30 dBA at 50 m distance. This wind turbine incorporates a pitch control for rotary speed control and power limitation. For controlling the speed of the blades and protecting them an active yaw is incorporated. This wind turbine incorporates an electric brake system and a mechanical emergency braking system.

The control monitoring system installed in the AV-7 LoWind turbine monitors the rotor speed, vibration level, prevailing temperature, and generator output and air temperature at nacelle. This wind turbine offers an annual yield of 24,000 kWh/a, at an average 4.5 m/s wind speed. The rotor of this wind turbine weighs 470 kg and its blades weigh 117 kg.

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