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Three Entities Join Forces to Install 400kW Rooftop Solar Array in the City of Vernon

In a unique alliance three entities are teaming up to install a 400 kilowatt (kW) rooftop solar array in the City of Vernon. Superior Lithographics, the tenant, Mt. Vernon Investments LLC, the building owner, and the electrical utility owned by the City of Vernon, are all on the cutting edge of environmental stewardship.

The three have agreed to a unique arrangement - Superior will own the solar system but is not the property owner. Normally companies are not able to install roof-top solar systems on a building they do not own. But in this case the shared desire to be environmentally responsible has put these three on the same side of the equation.

Superior has contracted with SPG Solar to design and install a $1.3 million solar system which will provide upwards of 32% of the power used to operate Superior's printing presses and paper converting equipment, delivering a cost savings of over $120,000 per year on fossil fuel generated electricity. The solar system will generate 627,000 kW hours of power annually, and according to the EPA it will reduce CO2 greenhouse gases emissions by 470 tons per year, equivalent to planting 1 acre of forest every day of the year. As part of its drive to increase renewable energy on its electrical grid, The City of Vernon Power & Light Co. qualified the project for its' solar energy rebate program making the project feasible.

Doug Rawson president of Superior Lithographics said, "Our entire team is elated that we are able to install this system. It is socially responsible and fits with our customer experience to be environmentally responsible through the use of renewable resources. Our property owner, Steve Freed, has been incredibly supportive of this project and with the City of Vernon's financial participation along with SPG's design and installation expertise this project will significantly reduce our carbon footprint. The systems output provides almost 100% of our energy needs during peak daylight reducing the strain on the electrical grid when it is most needed, during peak demand."

Steve Freed president of Mt. Vernon Investments LLC added, "This will be the first solar system installed on one of the properties in our industrial real estate portfolio. We are looking forward to working with Superior as well as the City of Vernon and SPG Solar to ensure the success of this project. We are anticipating more of our tenants will become interested in investing in solar power as a renewable energy alternative for their businesses and we look forward to supporting those projects."

Mr. Carlos Fandino, Director, Vernon Gas & Electric stated, "Our city's electricity rates are consistently among the lowest in California. Vernon Gas & Electric provides a cost saving to industrial businesses in Vernon. Superior Lithographics was founded in Vernon with 3 employees. It has now grown to more than 100-employees with an array of customers throughout California. We offer a solar rebate program to our customers as part of our city's commitment to renewable energy. We are pleased to do our part to help make Superior Lithographics' extensive rooftop solar energy project feasible."

Dylan Duper, vice president SPG Solar in Petaluma, CA, the solar systems engineer, designer and contractor, said "With tax incentives, rebates, and the cost of solar equipment coming down, the financial viability of solar has never looked better. Superior Lithographics is a sustainable leader; they will see immediate financial savings as they gain long-term control of their energy costs while they help to lower the demand for electricity generated using fossil fuel which will significantly reduce Superior's carbon footprint."

Superior's rooftop solar power system is expected to come online by Q3 2014.

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