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Skyline Solar Water Heating Collectors from Wise Power Systems

Wise Power Systems supplies the Skyline brand of solar water heating collectors. The Skyline 10-01 solar water heating collector has a total weight of 19 pounds and length, width and thickness of 6 feet, 20 inches and 3 inches, respectively. The feed and return of the collector are located at the same end with a spacing of two inches between them. This spacing facilitates easy stacking of as many as six collectors one above the other. In case of a side by side configuration, a total of 12 Skyline 10-01 solar collectors can be stacked together.

The solar water heating collector from Wise Power Systems consists of a trim and frame made of aluminum in an overall size of 1.37 millimeters. It has a twinwall polycarbonate glazing in an overall size of six millimeters and is resistant to ultraviolet rays. The absorber of the Skyline 10-01 solar water heating collector is coated with crystal clear copper.

The Skyline 10-01 solar water heating collector has a maximum fluid capacity of 15 gallons with a recommended flow rate ranging from 20 gallons per minute to 35 gallons per minute. It has a maximum stagnation temperature of 250 degrees Fahrenheit, while the maximum working pressure at which it operates is 150 pounds per square inches. The solar water heating collector from Wise Power Systems utilizes propylene glycol or potable water as the heat transfer fluid and is available with components such as mounting brackets, rails and lags.

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