Energy Revolution: Policies For A Sustainable Future

The transformation from a carbon-based world economy to one based on high efficiency and renewables is a necessary step if human society is to achieve sustainability. But while scientists and researchers have made significant advances in energy efficiency and renewable technologies in recent years, consumers have yet to see dramatic changes in the marketplace—due in large part to government policies and programs that favor the use of fossil fuels.
Energy Revolution examines the policy options for mitigating or removing the entrenched advantages held by fossil fuels and speeding the transition to a more sustainable energy future, one based on improved efficiency and a shift to renewable sources such as solar, wind, and bioenergy. The book:
- examines today's energy patterns and trends and their consequences
- describes the barriers to a more sustainable energy future and how those barriers can be overcome
- provides ten case studies of integrated strategies that have been effective in different parts of the world
- examines international policies and institutions and recommends ways they could be improved
- reviews global trends that suggest that the transition to renewables and increased efficiency is underway and is achievable
Energy policy represents a linchpin for achieving a broader transition to a more sustainable economy.
Energy Revolution offers a unique focus on policies and programs, and on the lessons provided by recent experience. It represents a key statement of the available options for reforming energy policy that have proven to be successful, and is an essential work for policymakers, researchers, and anyone concerned with energy and sustainability issues.
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