Aug 26 2010
Grouse Mountain Resort and BC Hydro, the Canadian utility company, have announced the signing of an accord that will enable Grouse Mountain to produce wind energy for its use while linked to the grid.
Although the wind turbine was installed some time back, the safety concerns expressed by BC Hydro prevented Grouse Mountain from going into full stream production and connect it with the grid.
Earlier, BC Hydro insisted on Grouse Mountain to install a suitable system to monitor the power output from the wind turbine for any variations and close down the operations of the wind turbine during such eventualities, also, the utility wanted the wind turbine company to install suitable arrangements to prevent direct flow of produced energy into the grid of the utility. While Grouse disputed the claim of the utility by insisting that the wind turbine has such performance features but not to meet the exact specifications of the utility, it agreed to include a new transformer before the grid connectivity to meet the safety requirements of the grid company.
William Mbaho, a representative of Grouse Mountain, clarified that the custom built turbine of his company though did not exactly meet the requirements of the utility but was having the required safety features. He declined to go into the details of additional cost involved for making extra installations. It is learnt that the power produced by the turbine will be utilized by the company itself.