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DTE Energy to Convert California Coal Plant to Biomass Power Plant

DTE Energy Services, an Ann Arbor, Michigan, headquartered Company and an auxiliary company of DTE Energy, has declared its intentions to purchase large number of shares in the Mt. Poso Cogeneration Company’s power plant located near Bakersfield. The plant currently functions utilizing a mix of petroleum coke, coal and another fuel derived from tire.

DTEES will control the 49.5 MW power plant and associate in its conversion to the use of biomass fuel generated from tree trimmings, urban wood waste and agricultural leftovers. The biomass conversion will enable the company to generate up to 44 MW of clean power, which will be sufficient to provide power to nearly 35,000 houses. After the change over the biomass plant will generate and supply power to Pacific Gas and Electric Company under a long term power purchase accord. The power provided by the plant will assist PG and E to meet nearly 33% of its renewable power supply needs. The plant is expected to provide 90 temporary jobs during the conversion period and offer 28 to 38 permanent positions afterwards.

Earlier DTEES had performed comparable biomass changeover for a plant in Cassville, Wis, and one more plant is undergoing its conversion in Stockton. Steve Sorrentino, Vice President of DTEES, shared his excitement in owning Mt. Poso plant and converting it to utilize 100% renewable energy source. He added that the conversion will enhance the existing environment friendly reputation of the plant.

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