Arkema has provided Kaplan Energy, a working area at its Pierre-Bénite site, demonstrating its support to the development of industrial fabric in the Chemical Valley, south of Lyon.
Research and Innovation Photovoltaics and New Energies. Credit: Arkema
Kaplan, a start-up company is more focused in the growth and promotion of thermal energy storage solutions needed for Phase Change Materials (PCM).
Presently, the development of renewable energy faces challenges in the expansion of renewable energy sources and in managing the generated energy. By utilizing its proficiency in energy efficient procedures Arkema produces chemicals that are utilized in a variety of materials required for wind power and photovoltaic and heat transfer fluids employed in heat pumps and provide solid solutions for the development of renewable energy.
The decision of Arkema to have Kaplan Energy, a company that is more focused in thermal energy storage, inside its Pierre-Bénite located Rhône Alpes Research Center, demonstrates a distinctive synergy between a manufacturer and provider of chemical solutions and a systems designer who has the potential to improve the worth of these solutions in a range of upcoming market segments.
Kaplan Energy by now operates with a group of laboratories and has established varied expertise in the segment of thermal energy storage and especially in the physical processes related to PCM’s in polyolefin copolymers. It has attained adequate exposure and proficiency in thermal energy storage and bettering the performance of thermal systems.
The expertise of Kaplan Energy will enable Arkema to overcome its present technical issues related to managing and adding value to the thermal energy generated in the industrial processes. The partnership with Kaplan will enable Arkema to continue with its leading position in the chemical valley and demonstrates its entrepreneurial skills and economic charm in the region.