Mesocore’s New Sustainable Technology Provides Solution to Multiple Social Issues Simultaneously

Threatening to dramatically disrupt philanthropy and charity as it has been known so far by rocketing the ROI and impact nonprofits can make with every dollar, new sustainable technology from Mesocore combines the solution to multiple social issues simultaneously.

Today's big philanthropy, green transportation technology, and the example being set by Warren Buffett, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel is commended and has helped charitable organizations evolve in effectiveness; at least in terms of scale and flow through of donation dollars to those in need.

Platforms like Charity Navigator, and FaiTH; the Foreign Aid Transparency Hub set up by the Philippines following the 2013 super typhoon Haiyan have also helped by bringing more accountability and transparency.

Still; charity and relief efforts are barely chipping away at the tip of the iceberg of social crises. The most pressing of these continue to be clean water, basic medical attention, green energy, housing and disaster relief/ prevention.

Charity: water reports 4,100 children die daily from lack of clean water. The UN estimates 100M global homeless. Typhoon Haiyan left 6k dead and tens of thousands homeless in the Philippines.

The solutions and the technology to remedy and prevent many of these issues now exists. Delivering aid and relief now just comes down to funding and logistics.

Designer of 100% sustainable homes, Mesocore, has developed units which simultaneously provides shelter, purifies water and generates renewable solar energy, all in one easy to ship solution.

These units can be multi-purposed for use as homes, medical centers and schools, have potential to create thousands of U.S. and international jobs, and can be mass manufactured for rapid scaling. In terms of efficiency and impact along with industry disrupting ROI there has never been a solution like this available until now. They just need to be shipped.

This is where those interested in donating with maximum effectiveness and investing in a proven product can get involved.

Visit Mesocore online for details and to find out how angels, nonprofits and individuals looking for Christmas charity ideas can participate in delivering these units to those most in need at

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