May 20 2008
SEMAFO, a Canadian-based mining company with gold exploration and production activities in West Africa was awarded the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saint-Laurent 2008 Alpha Award of Distinction for Environmental Protection. The Honorable Stéphane Dion, Leader, Liberal Party of Canada and Leader of the Opposition presented the award in recognition of Semafo's role as a leader in corporate social responsibility practices. Semafo also received the 2008 Alpha Award in the Manufacturing/Raw Materials category. The awards were presented at the 24th Annual Alpha Gala in Montreal, Quebec on May 15th.

"We are very honored to receive these prestigious awards," said Benoit La Salle, Semafo's President and CEO. "Since its beginnings, Semafo has endeavored to be a good corporate citizen and to evolve conscientiously to become a major player in our geographical area of interest. As part of our organization's mission statement, and directly in line with Semafo's humanitarian mission, we are proud of the efforts made to improve the quality of life and livelihoods of the communities in which we operate through social, health, education and environmental policies and programs."
"These awards are a testimony to the individual contributions of each and every employee to the overall success of the organization, with particular acknowledgment going out to our CSR team leaders, Jacques Giguère and Jules Réhel for their expertise, perseverance and support of these important endeavors," said Benoit Desormeaux, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer. "From the operations teams, including our expatriates, in Niger, Guinea and Burkina Faso to the staff at our head office in Montreal, I believe that we will all share a sentiment of accomplishment as a result of these awards."
The Alpha Awards are presented annually by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saint-Laurent, Québec, to recognize organizational excellence, performance and social responsibility.