Local engineering consultancy Energy3 delivers ZX Lidars to wind farm developer for wind resource campaigns.

RES (Renewable Energy Systems), a leader in the development, engineering, and construction of wind, solar, transmission, and energy storage projects globally has confirmed that a fleet of Lidars have been deployed in Australia in support of wind farm development in the country.
RES has been developing renewable energy in Australia since 2004 and has more than 800MW of installed or under construction wind projects. The company were supported by New Zealand-based wind engineering consultancy Energy3 who provided expert advice and on-the-ground services for the Lidars.
“The ZX 300 wind Lidars supplied by ZX Lidars are being used as both a sole wind measurement sensor but also to enhance met mast installations” confirmed Llion Parry, Development Project Manager at RES. “Lidars provide great coverage at a range of measurement heights, combined with their leading accuracy at these remote, often complex sites.”
ZX Lidars provides vertical and horizontal profiling wind Lidar to accurately measure wind conditions remotely and ahead of their installed position. These accurate, independent wind measurements are a cornerstone in the development, construction and operation of wind farms globally.