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JustCarbon Launches Investment Accelerator for Hyperscale Carbon Removal Projects

JustCarbon, the carbon marketplace for startup gigatonne carbon removal (CDR) projects, announced today the launch of funding investment solutions for large-scale nature based carbon removal projects. Pivoting its business from solely trading carbon credits on the blockchain, JustCarbon is actively identifying the most promising projects and scaling their planet-saving solutions by acting as a funding vehicle.  

Image Credit: JustCarbon

Collectively up to 10 GtCO2 will need to be removed annually from the atmosphere by 2050, which if funded properly would only take ten hyper-scale projects. By meeting this target the industry would satisfy the expected growth in demand for carbon credits from the hard to abate sectors and help solve the climate crisis in the process. However, the nascent carbon removal industry has been suffering from a funding gap of $700 Billion. The demand for CDR solutions has spurred growth, but also led to a fragmented market with diverse verification bodies and varying standards. Additionally, there is a significant lack in the supply of high-quality CDR projects, especially for innovative approaches requiring new MRV (measurement, reporting and verification) technology. JustCarbon believes that it is positioned well to encourage greater demand through investment and sees a unique opportunity to scale transformative, planet-saving solutions for gigaton carbon removal - bridging the gap between impactful projects and investors for sustainable returns.

We have projects live and ready to scale, collectively removing 2GT carbon each year” says Gavin Anderson, JustCarbon CEO, “but the growth possibilities won’t be realised if they remain underfunded - we need to be funding hyper-scale gigatonnes projects. JustCarbon works closely with the most promising start-up environmental businesses with diversified revenue streams. This revenue diversification relieves innovators of a risky reliance on the voluntary carbon market for profits, enabling them to scale their environmental impact confidently with the main aim to scale rapidly.

JustCarbon is able to provide detailed project analysis, alongside accepting projects that are working with innovative methodologies approved by Puro.Earth, Gold Standard and Verra and that meet multiple Sustainable Development Goals.

The opportunity that we are giving investors enables them to offset their activities with the companies in our portfolio, reinforcing the validity of their investment. We have selected carbon removal projects with a variety of different nature-based and nature-enhanced solutions that JustCarbon have assessed for  eligibility, and are working with leading carbon crediting platforms - Puro.Earth, or Gold Standard. Our goal is to foster connections between visionary project developers and forward-thinking investors like yourself, to help save the planet and scale successful businesses in the process.” Anderson ends.

Julien Jacob, Funding Solution said: “Durable carbon removal is experiencing an unprecedented race for innovation. As these processes make their way into the spotlight, early-equity funding is instrumental to support the launch of commercial operations and future availability of high-quality carbon removal credits. In return for providing catalytic capital, investors can benefit from great visibility and opportunities into this fast-growing market”

JustCarbon’s inaugural Roadshow, Carbon Removal as Business, will be held on March 6th 2024. Invitees can expect a lineup of exciting projects with huge potential for impact and ROI. Two biochar projects, a seaweed based removal project, a mangrove project amongst others will bring a range of opportunities to learn about. Additionally, Alan Boyd, head of Microsoft’s first acquisition and investment program back in 1980, and the man behind Microsoft Word, Excel and Windows, will be giving a keynote address from his rich history in tech investment! Absolutely not one to miss. Contact JustCarbon to secure an invite. 

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