New G2509 Analyzer Measures Ammonia, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and Water Vapor Emissions in Real-Time in High Ambient Methane Environments.

Image Credit: Picarro
Santa Clara, CA — April 13, 2022 — Picarro Inc., a leading gas analytics company, today announced the G2509 gas analyzer that allows companies to accurately quantify their ammonia and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Fertilizer plants, livestock farms, manure processing facilities, among many others in agriculture, are significant emitters of ammonia and GHGs. Quantifying and reporting their direct emissions are critical first steps towards improving air quality and decarbonizing farming practices, reducing farming’s impact on the environment. By deploying the G2509 analyzer, farmers will be able to provide accurate air quality and climate disclosures and evolve mitigation steps, both critical elements of sound Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices in the agricultural sector of the economy.
The Picarro G2509 analyzer quantifies ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and water vapor (H2O) emissions in real-time and at scale. Existing solutions for ammonia and GHG measurements in farming suffer from interferences that can artificially inflate reported ammonia levels. They are not capable of cost-effective emissions quantification in real-time. The G2509 is capable of real-time, accurate measurements in highly saturated methane environments during dynamically evolving ammonia events.
“The G2509’s cost-effective deployment and precise real-time measurements of ammonia and greenhouse gases makes it the ideal choice to reduce the impact of intensive farming and agriculture on the environment,” said Joel Avrunin, Vice President of Environmental Sales and Marketing at Picarro.
About Picarro
Picarro is a leading gas analytics company. Our family of emissions quantification solutions enables the journey companies must take towards net-zero carbon emissions.
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