Gustavo Porpino, lead author of a study entitled the Food Wastage Paradox, speaks to AZoCleantech about how much food is wasted each year around the world and the drastic effects that this can have on global climate change.
By Alessandro Pirolini
11 Jun 2015
In this interview, Jesper Kedström, Sales Manager at Primozone, talks to AZoCleanTech about the successful installation of ozone generators.
In this interview, Juuso Konttinen, Vice President, Biochemicals, UPM, talks to AZoCleantech about renewable biomaterials for the automotive industry.
By Kalwinder Kaur
2 Jan 2014
In the literature, thermodynamics is conventionally defined as the science of energy and entropy. Since energy and entropy do not have the same currencies (units) and represent two distinct entities, I personally define thermodynamics as the science of energy and exergy.
By Professor Ibrahim Dincer
22 Jul 2013
In this interview, Ross Egar, PhD at ANU talks to AZoCleantech about this innovation that could change the construction of solar panels.
By Kris Walker
25 Jun 2013
David Droz, Head of the Telecoms division at Urban Green Energy Inc., talks to AZoCleantech about Hybrid Wind and Solar Systems as Renewable Energy Solutions.
Liam Condon, Chief Executive Officer of Bayer CropScience and Chairman of the Board of Management of Bayer CropScience AG talks to AZoCleantech about Investing in Research for Greener Agriculture.
Rob Nolan, Manager, Investment Attraction for the Regional Municipality of Durham, Ontario, Canada and the Chair of the Ontario Clean Technology Alliance talks AZoCleantech about Smart Grid Infrastructure for Electricity Systems of Ontario.
By Kalwinder Kaur
19 Feb 2013
David Cripps, Senior Technical Manager at Blade Dynamics Ltd. talks to AZoCleantech about the development of the world’s longest and more efficient wind turbine blades.
By Kalwinder Kaur
1 Feb 2013
Dr Stuart Wagland, Lecturer in Renewable Energy from Waste in the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at Cranfield University, talks AZoCleantech about collecting renewable energy from waste material.
By Kalwinder Kaur
18 Jan 2013