Professor Max Shtein from the University of Michigan speaks to AZoCleantech about a new design for sun tracking solar cells based on the Japanese art of kirigami.
By Beth Ellison
23 Sep 2015
Phil Jones, Professor of Architectural Science at the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, speaks to AZoCleantech about how architects from the university designed and built a house with implemented technology to help reduce its energy demand and carbon emissions.
By Alessandro Pirolini
3 Aug 2015
Dr. Joseph L. Spencer speaks to AZoCleantech about how the behavior of corn rootworms has changed in recent years and how this is affecting their resistance to crop rotation techniques.
By Alessandro Pirolini
28 Jul 2015
In this interview, Paul Gilna and Kevin Wenger speak to AZoCleantech about a new biofuel developed from non-food plant matter called C5 FUEL™.
By Alessandro Pirolini
7 Jul 2015
Dr. Stephen Ritter, Senior Correspondent for Chemical & Engineering News - the weekly news-magazine published by the American Chemical Society - speaks to AZoCleantech about the various chemicals used as refrigerants and how recent attempts have been made to make them more environmentally friendly.
By Alessandro Pirolini
26 Jun 2015
In this interview, Karan Chechi, Research Director of TechSci Research, speaks to AZoCleantech about the water and wastewater treatment market and how he perceives it will expand in the near future.
By Alessandro Pirolini
24 Jun 2015
Dr. Christina Tague, Associate Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at University of California, Santa Barbara, speaks to AZoCleantech about how forest die-offs have affected North America in recent years, and how preventing it is important for both economic and social reasons.
By Alessandro Pirolini
17 Jun 2015
Gustavo Porpino, lead author of a study entitled the Food Wastage Paradox, speaks to AZoCleantech about how much food is wasted each year around the world and the drastic effects that this can have on global climate change.
By Alessandro Pirolini
11 Jun 2015
In this interview, Jesper Kedström, Sales Manager at Primozone, talks to AZoCleanTech about the successful installation of ozone generators.
In this interview, Juuso Konttinen, Vice President, Biochemicals, UPM, talks to AZoCleantech about renewable biomaterials for the automotive industry.
By Kalwinder Kaur
2 Jan 2014