Jan 31 2011
IKEA, a global home furnishings retailer, has chosen REC Systems Germany, from a total of 200 solar system providers, for installing solar systems in two different locations in Germany.
One system was installed on the roof of its store in Regensburg with dimensions of 14,000 square meters and is expected to produce 449,000 kWh of electricity. It was linked to the grid by September end, and would offset an annual 398 tons of CO2. The second system was installed on a store located in Freiburg, linked to the grid in December, and has dimensions of 4,300 square meters. It would produce 150kWh and eliminate 132 tons of CO2 per year. According to Michael Armin, IKEA Germany’s Head, Expansion, the solar power generated would be utilized for the customer restaurant, lighting department and the furniture exhibition. Goldbeck Solar, a rooftop and ground mounted PV installer and Construction Company, partnered REC as sub- contractor for the IKEA projects in Germany.

According to John Andersen Jr, Group COO and Executive Vice President of REC, the company was honored that IKEA had chosen their systems team for these installations. The systems team would take care of developing, designing, installing and financing the large scale rooftop and other free field projects. At present, REC supplies modules for three IKEA projects in the US one in a Southern California distribution center and for two stores on the East Coast. There was also a plan of providing modules for a Colorado IKEA store.
IKEA’s steadfast dedication to sustainable building plans that would have a low impact on the environment is well known and it has utilized solar energy for decreasing their carbon footprint and also enhancing energy efficiency. REC founded in Norway is an international solar company with 4100 employees globally.