The Energy Upgrade California, the one-stop-place for home improvement and clean energy, offers a new energy efficiency upgrade program for the residents of California State. The program anticipates providing energy rebates to around 100,000 house owners all over the state.
The program provides up to $4,000 for the home owners to install energy improvement upgrades, which include installation of solar photovoltaic systems at their houses. Home owners who opt for a basic package of Energy Upgrade California will receive around $1,000 as rebate from the utility company. This rebate can be utilized by the home owners to spend for attic sealing and insulation, sealing of ducts, insulation for the hot water pipes and shower heads with temperature control. The one-stop-facility available for the home owners allows them to choose a suitable solar program for their home, check the rebates and finance available for such installation and choose the contractors who can perform it.
California Energy Commission coordinates with the Energy Upgrade California program at the state level. The program is backed by a support of over $1.2 billion, which includes $1 billion provided by the investor owned utilities in the state. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grants will provide $146 million for the program and it will receive another $13 million from Employment Development Department Workforce Investment funding.