Zero Carbon Project is delighted to announce the democratisation of our private presale token sale round. This provides our smaller customers with access to attractive private pre-sale discounts, previously only available to larger crypto investors.
Private pre-sale democracy. Credit: Zero Carbon Project
We believe the blockchain is a disruptive force which can advance democracy. Whenever possible, we will deploy smart contracts to interact with our Energis tokens to distribute power to the people and to provide them with opportunities for self-empowerment. Wherever our community members may live in the world.
‘Private pre-sale democracy’ launch event
We are launching our ‘private pre-sale democracy’ at the Blockchain Alternative Investment Conference in London on the 18th June, where we will be speaking and exhibiting. Nick Szabo, the intellectual father of cryptocurrencies and smart contracts will also be speaking at the event, along with CEOs and co-founders from over 20 crypto investment funds.
‘Private pre-sale democracy’ features
Our private pre-sale democracy will introduce the following features with a deployment of smart contracts on 18th June 2018:
- Maintaining the 50% discounted token price of USD0.10 compared to the price offered in our public main sale round
- Reducing the minimum contribution to 1 ether, to benefit smaller contributors
- Introducing a tiered volume-based bonus of 5% for contributions of 5–15 ether, 10% for 15–50 ether and 20% for 50+ ether, to benefit larger contributors
- Introducing a 10% referral bonus for contributions over 2 ether, paid to both the introducer and contributor, supported by our online referral registration process
- Offering a 20% ‘democracy bonus’ for all contributions received during the first week, ending on 25th June 2018 at noon GMT, to reward early movers
- Private deals will only be equity-related and disclosed, for transparency and to protect token purchasers from dilution
- Launching our Ambassadors Programme for up to 20% bonuses, supported by our partner AmaZix. More details at
- Energis tokens will be free to use upon purchase
How to purchase Energis tokens
In order to take advantage of our private presale democracy please apply for KYC whitelisting at , unless you have already done so. KYC whitelisting will continue through the private presale round. Once your whitelisting has been confirmed you may purchase Energis tokens by sending ether from your whitelisted wallet address to our token sale contract address which will be listed on the same page of our website,
Energis tokens will then be sent into your wallet address immediately upon purchase. These Energis tokens will not be locked and will be free for owners to use them, upon receipt. Bonuses will be paid separately upon completion of the main sale round.
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