Dec 2 2019
CO2CRC is pleased to welcome Esso Australia Pty Ltd as its newest member company. Esso Australia is a subsidiary of ExxonMobil Australia Pty Ltd and ExxonMobil Corporation based in Houston.

“ExxonMobil is an industry leader in developing and utilising technological solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are very pleased to have such a high-quality organisation contributing to CO2CRC’s work program,” said David Byers, CEO of CO2CRC.
“CO2CRC’s carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) research program is an outstanding example of successful collaboration between federal and state governments, Australian and international industry and local and global research institutions to deliver cutting edge emissions reduction technologies for industry,” he said.
Chairman of the ExxonMobil Australia Group of Companies, Nathan Fay, said the company was looking forward to collaborating with CO2CRC through its membership.
“Around the world, ExxonMobil engineers and scientists have researched, developed and applied technologies that could play a role in the widespread deployment of carbon capture and storage for more than 30 years,” said Nathan.
“Globally, we have a working interest in approximately one-fifth of the world’s total carbon capture capacity, and have captured more carbon dioxide than any other company.
“Through collaborating with CO2CRC, our Australian team is looking forward to contributing to this work and exploring technologies and ideas in carbon capture, utilisation and storage,” said Nathan.