Jan 26 2010
Mini car Baldos II, red as a lingon berry, made by students at Luleå university of technology, is the most fuel efficient car in Sweden. That was proved just before the weekend after test and performance driving at the Nolia hall in the city of Piteå in the northern part of Sweden.
Erica Stromberg, driver of Baldos II, Photo Leif Nyberg.
- I am really satisfied with the result, we are world class in the test value, even if the car right now is a bit too heavy for the Shell Eco Marathon races this summer at the Euro speedway Lausitz track in Germany, said Kristian Eriksson, who is project manager in the Baldos team.
The measurements that were made while driving the Baldos car at the Nolia hall, showed that the fuel consumption was 0,0065 liters of fuel per kilometer. Baldos II, approved by the Swedish motor vehicle inspection for traffic on Swedish roads are, in other words, Sweden’s most fuel efficient car. The test shows that it currently can run 152, 2 kilometers on a liter of fuel.
Despite a higher speed at a second test round the fuel consumption did not increase significantly, which pleased the test driver Erica Strömberg, born in the car test municipality of Arjeplog in Swedish Lapland.
- Of cause it is fun and furthermore I will have the opportunity to drive the car before the competition in Lausitz in Germany, said Erica Strömberg who studies mechanical engineering at Luleå university of technology.
Team Baldos at Luleå university of technology, which is behind the test, is final year students from different engineering programs cooperating in the Baldosproject. For several years new student teams have developed new concept cars, which is a practical part of their education. Baldosteam has made itself known to deliver peak performance at the contest Shell Eco Marathon in France 2008. Baldos II didn’t succeed so well during last year competition because of engine trouble.
That fact did not stop the Baldos team from continuing development of Baldos II.
For a couple of month ago the car was approved by two national inspection bodies.
The next step is to complete Baldos II for a new edition of the Shell Eco Marathon, taking place in Lausitz, Germany in early May 2010. The lingon berry red car, compared with last year, is now a hot candidate for top results, witch was proved during the fuel test for a couple of days ago.