Broadway Electrical Plays Key Role in Installing Solar System for Medway Public Schools

A joint collaborative project named the Medway High School Solar PV Project between the Department of Energy Resources (DOER), the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), Medway Public Schools as well as solar energy installation and electrical construction company Broadway Electrical Co., Inc has been successfully completed.

By using the new financing mechanism facilitated through the Green Communities Act of 2008, MassCEC supplied Medway Public Schools with a grant of $535,000 for offsetting the expenses incurred for installing the schools’ solar panels. In June 2009, as per the laws of the Massachusetts General Laws Ch. 25A, the Medway Public Schools carried out a procurement process for allowing municipalities to employ private third parties for offering renewable energy and turnkey energy efficiency solutions. By means of this process, Broadway Electrical was chosen to own, design, install and design the solar PV system having 132 kW capacity on two rooftops of the school’s gymnasium and auditorium.

Medway Public School’s Principal Richard L. Pearson commented that the new solar panels will help decrease the utility bills of the school and also create awareness among students about the importance of energy efficiency.

The solar system was completely procured, engineering, financed and constructed by Broadway Electrical. Furthermore, all of the energy produced by means of the solar system will be sold at a discounted rate to the School Department, thereby saving the energy bill budget of the school up to more than $15,000 per year.

The solar system consists of a SATCON PowerGate 135 kW Inverter and 660 units of Suntech 200 W solar panels installed by means of a PanelClaw Polar Bear FR Mounting System.

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