Aug 26 2009
To address the world's growing environmental pressures, businesses, organizations and governments are seeking professionals with the skills and knowledge to create sustainable policies, technologies and methods. Now UCLA Extension, the continuing professional education division of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), is launching a series of courses designed to help professionals acquire the skills and knowledge to succeed in the new "green" economy.

UCLA Extension's Sustainability Certificate Provides Multi-Disciplinary Foundation
Not only is UCLA Extension offering individual courses, they also have launched a new Global Sustainability Certificate, with courses starting this fall quarter. The certificate consists of a focused curriculum of three core courses detailing the economic, environmental and social issues underpinning the sustainability movement, and four tracks of concentration for specific industries--Design, Business Strategy, Energy & Technology and Environmental Law & Policy. A fifth General Studies concentration is also available for students to customize their education. UCLA Extension's Sustainability Certificate stands out because it combines the rigor of a multi-disciplinary background essential for success with theory and application in specific disciplines.
"UCLA Extension is known for providing knowledge and skills to help professionals achieve success," said UCLA Extension Dean Cathy Sandeen. "As a world-class leader in lifelong learning, we pride ourselves on our ability to create relevant, innovative educational opportunities, and our new Global Sustainability Certificate is a perfect example of how we address the changing needs of today's workforce."
The curriculum for the Global Sustainability Certificate was developed in conjunction with academic and industry leaders, including EPA experts, Southern California Edison executives in Renewable and Alternative Power, and faculty from the UCLA Institute for the Environment, among many others. The series of courses and flexibility of offerings is specifically geared for working professionals in a variety of fields--from entrepreneurs to teachers and attorneys to scientists and community planners--so they quickly can get the background necessary to lead environmentally sustainable change.
UCLA Named Top 10 Green School by Sierra Club
Not only is UCLA Extension regularly acknowledged for offering outstanding evening, weekend and online courses, but as a division of UCLA, it shares in the recent recognition of UCLA as one of the Top 10 Green Schools by the Sierra Club. This recognition highlights the extensive efforts UCLA has undertaken to minimize its footprint, including recycling materials from construction projects, minimizing paper waste and composting food waste--a practice which reduced that type of trash alone by over 1,500 tons per month.
More information about the Global Sustainability Certificate is available at and at UCLA Extension's Open House, Sept. 15, 5:30-8 p.m., at 10920 Lindbrook Drive, in Los Angeles. The event is free, highlights a panel on green careers, and offers potential students a venue to explore many career options from the arts and business to education, engineering and writing. More information on the open house and UCLA Extension is available at
UCLA Extension is the continuing education division of the University of California at Los Angeles. UCLA Extension offers evening, weekend, and online courses and certificates for professionals in business, management, engineering, information systems, entertainment studies, public policy, public health, the humanities and many other fields. Find out more at