Mar 25 2010
Real Goods Solar offers different types of solar ovens including the Solar Sport Oven with reflector. A recipe book is also provided with this lightweight solar cooker. The solar oven includes two pots, an oven thermometer and solar reflector. The solar reflector helps in receiving more solar heat during cloudy or cold days.
Solar Sport Ovens
This solar oven concentrates solar heat to cook a wide range of foods. It can be used to bake cookies and bread, roast meat, make rice, stews and soups, and steam vegetables. The Solar Sport Oven with reflector is suitable for use in backyards as well as during picnicking, camping and boating. This solar oven has the capacity to cook most of the food items in two to four hours of time, using less solar power. It can easily be stored and transported, weighing just 10 pounds. The dimensions of the Solar Sport Oven are height of 12 1/4 inches, length of 27 1/4 inches and depth of 17 inches.
The Solar Sport Oven with reflector is constructed using aluminum and recycled plastic pop bottles with high quality insulation. This solar oven, provided by Real Goods Solar, maintains a moderate cooking temperature of 210 – 260 degree Fahrenheit. However, this solar cooker can also reach a maximum temperature of 300 degree Fahrenheit when used in equatorial regions. When pre-heated for 15 – 30 minutes before cooking, the cooking process is faster in this solar oven.