Apr 20 2009
With 55 percent of Americans cutting household spending this year, one of the first "luxuries" to go may be expensive products designed to make homes environmentally sound. It's still a top concern for consumers, just not in the household budget this year. Lawn Doctor, the nation's leading expert in lawn care since 1967, is educating consumers on the best place to start helping Mother Nature at home: a lush, green, well-maintained lawn.
"Many homeowners think they have to get new light bulbs, change out all their household appliances or even install pricey solar panels to be environmentally friendly. The reality is that they can be 'green' for less money and hassle by simply maintaining a healthy lawn," said John Buechner, Lawn Doctor Director of Technical Services. "Being 'green' starts with the simplest green: grass."
Studies show healthy turf grass offers multiple benefits ranging from environmental to health (1). Here are the Top Ten Benefits of Turf:
- Traps and decreases run-off: Turf root systems have a high density that traps run-off water, reducing water waste, keeping excess chemicals out of the water supply and reducing stress on water treatment facilities.
- Improves soil: Grass and its root system acts as a barrier, protecting and improving soil nutrient quality by reducing erosion.
- Reduces air pollution: Turf annually traps 12 million tons of dust and dirt while filtering CO2 out of the air and producing oxygen.
- Promotes oxygen production: Just 55 square feet of turf provides an individual's entire daily oxygen supply.
- Climate control: Turfgrasses can absorb up to 50 percent of the sun's heat during the day and release it during the evenings, which controls climate and reduces air conditioning needs.
- Reduces carbon footprints: American lawns store up to 37 billion pounds of carbon each year.
- Improves property values: Lush, green turf can increase a home's value up to 11 percent by upping curb appeal.
- Enriches learning and healthy environments: Exposure to outdoor environments and the color green decreases hospital recovery time and reduces symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
- Reduces insect-carried diseases: Well-maintained lawns control pests, reducing chances of contracting diseases carried by insects.
- Acts as a natural home fire barrier: 30 to 100+ square feet of turf around a home serves as a wildfire barrier.